Life has little to do with what happens to you, but more importantly how you react to it. It all comes back to phrase coach always preached "identify the negative, but focus on the positive."
A pretty interesting tidbit in the video is that it ties back to one of the 13 things mentally strong people do from Amy Morin's book. It is rule number four in her book mentally strong people don't on things they can't control and it the term locus of control. In the example in the video, you can't control the refs and a subjective call made, it's not worth getting involved.
Once again, FOCUS ON THE PROCESS not the vanity metrics. Focus on HOW things get done, not how good things will look in the end. If you do all the little things right, the big things will fall into place. #LittleDropsMakeBigDrops
Don't Be Deceived By Appearances; Beauty Is Found Within
Beauty and the Beast
As the old saying goes, "never judge a book by its cover." Everyone is beautiful and everyone has something to offer, you just have to look deeper. And those people are truly some of the best people.
Mel Robbins: PUSH YOURSELF To Make Your DREAMS Come TRUE!
Evan Carmichael
If you need someone to push you, get a job. That's what a boss does. But if you're one of the few people can push yourself, then you don't need a boss. You're already motivated by what you want to do and can go out and do it! You don't need someone to push you.
Work like someone's trying to take it all away from you. It's the reason why Tom Brady never wanted to give snaps to Jimmy Garoppolo in practice. He knew every snap that Jimmy took in practice was one snap that was being taken away from him. Brady's not going to want to help someone who could take his job from him.
6. Follow Your Efforts
7. Put Yourself In Their Shoes
Reduce the stress of the people around you. That's what I do with Steph every time I'm at BC, eliminate the stress from what's on her plate.
8. Go Beyond Dreams
9. Look At the Opportunities
10. Play League of Legends
Yeah ... if I could play video games, I probably would, but I'm a terrible video game player. I just don't get it.
Be Willing To Make Sacrifices
To become great, you have to make sacrifices. You have to give up certain things you want.
Just like Rafiki's stick hurt when he whacked Simba in the head, it hurt in the moment but when Rafiki tried to smack him again, Simba ducked. Face your past, it may hurt and be uncomfortable, but learn from those mistakes and move on. You'll be better in the long run.
Sometimes we all need a Dory in our lives. You know that one person that is constantly positive even when shit may be hitting the fan. Being the person that says "everything will be ok" and others truly believe it. Those people are few and far between.
Remember the Disney inspiration "Video of the Day" from last Friday, Remember Who You Are from The Lion King? Well, this is a continuation from that video. Remember who you are and person you are.
Coby came so close to attaining his second battle victory EVER ... but thanks to a lucky (or unlucky if you're a Coby fan) break for Ty in the final event, Coby's battle wins is still one. Tyler is seriously in a lose-lose situation, if he loses, he loses, but if wins people hate him because he always wins and everyone wants Coby to win. Sorry Coby! Your next battle win will come.
Remembering to keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and keep going. Keep moving forward and doing the one thing that scares the crap out of you every day. That's how you grow. Take advice from Tim Allen (aka Buzz Lightyear) and shoot for infinity and beyond.
1. They Don't Support Your Vision For Life and They Put You Down
2. They Don't Man Up and Apologize When They Were Wrong
3. They Talk About Other People Behind Their Back
4. They Take More Than They Give
Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" comes up for a fourth time in a video. You know what that means? If you haven't read it, you must! Seriously, if people mention the book multiple times then it is a MUST READ!
5. They Don't Clap When You Win
6. They Don't Stand Up For You
7. You're Friends Because You Have Similar Objectives Not Similar Mindsets
8. They Ridicule You In Front Of Others To Make Themselves Look Better
Yes, yes! Real friends do make fun of each other constantly! But the jokes are towards one another, not mocking the other person to a group of people.
9. You Only Have Superficial Conversations
10. They Would Leave You Behind If Something Better Comes Along
11. Unless You Make Plans and Organize Everything You Never Hang Out
I disagree with this statement. In the age of social media and technology, many young adults aren't aware that sometimes you have to be the one that orchestrates the festivities.
12. They Spill Your Secrets
13. They're Tempting You Towards Bad Habits
14. You're Inner Circle Tells You That Person Is A Fake Friend
15. They Ask For Help, But Never Offer It
Hence, why I made my five-people list the past month.
How To Really Unlock Your Potential As An Entrepreneur
1. It Must Matter
2. Initiate vs. React Becoming a leader not a chaser. Start initiating and start leading.
3. Systems That Help You Think Less Streamline rote processes like what you do when you wake up in the morning. It goes for businesses and jobs as well. Take for example in the world of athletic communications, submitting weekly nominations. If the deadline is 9 pm Sunday, get your nominations in by 7pm that way you have the rest of Sunday night to relax and prepare for the upcoming week. And conversely, if you're on the other side, once the deadline passes, start picking your winners right then. Don't wait until the next day. You will save your energy for future things - and you'll be able to sleep in later the next morning. (That's the only reason I sent my nominations Sunday nights because I wanted to sleep an extra 10 minutes the next morning.)
4. Conserve Energy
5. Move On Faster After Rejection Or Set Back You know what they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
6. Define Hard Work (Highest Return of Hour) Time equals money.
To make this really easy, have a five-person list of people you will help/support. If someone asks you to do something, look at your list, if he/she is on the list say yes, but if that person is not on your list, the word "no" is a great word.
Prioritize Progress
Divide Your Life Into 10-Minute Chunks
Time expands to fit what needs to be done ... Yeah that's Parkinson's Law!
Laura Vanderkam confirms my blog post from June 15 that THERE IS ENOUGH TIME! If you haven't read it, check it out here: "There Isn't Enough Time."
Patrick Bet-David's Top 10 Rules For Success Vol. 5
Evan Carmichael
1. Persevere
From a talent perspective, Tiger Woods is better than Phil Mickelson, but that doesn't mean Phil is one of the best golfers on the Tour. Since turning pro in 1992, it took him 13 years to win his first major, a Masters win 2004, after countless second place finishes. One day he will win the U.S. Open - hopefully it's not the U.S. Senior Open though!
2. Don't Be Too Logical
3. Be Tough
Remember the sign on the warden's office in Rider Strong's 1994 Disney movie "Summertime Switch," 'Tough times don't last; tough people do."
4. Trust Your Vision
5. Learn Continuously
If you don't learn everyday, you're falling behind.
6. Get Rid of Negative People
7. Fight!
Dominate! Dominate you're good at! Pedro dominated on the mound ... all 5-foot 11-inches of him.