15 Subjects You Should've Been Taught In School But Weren't
1. How Money Works
I actually was taught this in school, but that's because I voluntarily took accounting in high school.
2. Mental Health & Physical Health
3. Dating and Romantic Relationships
Yeah Tinder is definitely not the answer. Relationships are definitely not something that you just "swipe right."
4. Taxes & Bills
Yeah didn't learn this in school. I'm just fortunate to have a financially savy father.
5. How To Make Friends and Be More Social
"Our net worth is directly correlated to our network." It's the reason why I wanted to finally read Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends and Influence People" and fair to say it actually worked. It's why I won the "Summer of 2018."
6. Debt, Interest and Mortgages
Nope, wrong again. I had a fairly good idea about good debt, bad debt, interest, mortgages and loans when I graduated high school, but scroll back up to number four for the explanation.
7. How To Learn For Yourself
Yeah I kinda figured this out even before I graduated high school. How do you think I got through A.P. Calculus? I had my sister's old A.P. Calc work book and she took copious notes and had very neat handwriting. Put two and two together and you can figure out where I went if I didn't understand something. I now use YouTube.
8. How To Find Your Passion & Your Values
9. How To Find The Right Job and Prepare For An Interview
10. How To Speak In Public & Sell An Idea
Have to quote the great comedian Jerry Seinfeld here. Public speaking is the number one fear for the average American - number two is death. So that means that if you have to be at funeral, the average person would rather be IN the casket than giving the eulogy. Yeah, the priorities of the average person are WAY off base here.
11. A Basic Understanding of Cooking, How To Take Care of Yourself and Home Maintenance
12. Digital and Personal Etiquette
Can we put down the cell phone for at least five minutes? Is it also really necessary to post those photos of yourself at party where alcohol is being served? Remember once those photos are online, they are available for EVERYBODY to see! And don't get me started on sending "those" photos. Seriously, if you have to do it, you have a problem and need to seek help.
13. Sexual Education & Parenting
14. Human Rights, How The Government Works, and Why It's Important To Vote
Yet even some people in Washington don't understand ANY of these three concepts. I'm not naming any names, but I guess you can figure out who I'm referring to.
15. Time Management & Discipline
Or some people don't want to learn. Remember folks like the late Randy Pausch once said "start managing your time like it was your money."
16. How To Leverage Technology To Your Advantage
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