Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Video of the Day: 15 Things Rich People Do That The Poor Don't

15 Things That The Poor Don't Do

1. Rich People Read... A LOT
I absolutely HATE, HATE fiction novels. I would rather read a book like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" or "How To Win Friends & Influence People," instead of "50 Shades of Gray."

2. Sacrifice The Present For the Future
Hard-work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. 

3. They Go ALL IN! 
Don't be afraid to WANT IT! Don't be mediocre! Be Great!

4. #NoExcuses
The rich believe they are responsible for their own fate. It's on them! 

5. Set  Clear Financial Goals
Looking for ways to get more and figure a way to hit that number. 

6. The Rich Sleep Less Than The Poor
Not afraid to work themselves out. 

7. Make Money Work For Them
Rich people know the difference between assets and liabilities. They make money and re-invest it so one day they will not need to work themselves. 

8. The Rich Don't Protest or Boycott, They Produce
It's easy to complain, but hard to come up with solutions. Be a problem-solver. They see a problem in society, then they find a way to make it better. Mark Zuckerberg only wanted to connect the Harvard campus, then eventually the rest of the Ivy League. He had no intention of creating something the whole world uses. That just happened. 

9. The Rich Think In Terms of Abundance, Not Scarcity

10. They Play The Long Game
"Little drops make big drops." - Greg Sullivan (2009)

11. Focus On Being Healthy
You can only help others when you are physically and mentally healthy. 

12. They Study Other Successful People

13. Have Mentors

14. Ch...Ch...Changes! 
The rich understand the world is changing, whereas the poor only reflect on the the "Good Old Days." They are not afraid of change. 

15. They Are Making the World a Better Place

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