Friday, November 30, 2018

Video of the Day: Remember Who You Are!

Remember Who You Are
The Lion King

Look inside yourself, you're more than what you've become. You were meant to do great things for the next generation of young professionals. We have all had great mentors that have guided us this far, now we have to be those people for the next in line. We have to be like Bob. Life is circular. It's the "Circle of Life." 

Now with that being said here's the song from The Lion King. How can you not like this movie? It's the greatest! 

SID HELP: Making Yourself Known

A few months ago, on April 19, 2018, I wrote a blog post titled "SID HELP: Helping Coaches, Help Their Teams." The objective of the post was to aimed to find solutions to problems instead of venting frustrations on social media sites like Facebook because that doesn't do anyone any good.

Well the SID Help Center of Climbing The Brick Wall is back. I will aim to have one of these posts out each Friday afternoon for consultation.

Today's topic I'm bringing to the table is: "Making Yourself Known."

There are all too many times when we find ourselves at a game for one of our primary sports and the P.A. announcer walks right passed you and heads to your coach to get pronunciations. It's frustrating, because that is one of the sole reasons you're on there - so the coach doesn't have to answer those questions.

But in fairness to the public address announcer, probably isn't aware that you're traveling with the team - especially if you're new or he's a new P.A. announcer. It is your job to make yourself known the public address announcer and broadcasters, who you are and ask if they are good with numbers.

Here's the catch, though, even if they say they are good with names, you go over the roster anyway. It never hurts to be too cautious. Coaches will thank you for it in the end. There is nothing more frustrating to a coaching staff than a broadcaster and, especially, P.A. announcer pronouncing their student-athlete's name wrong.

If you ever read Dale Carnegie's book "How To Win Friends and Influence People," you remember the chapter in the book that touched upon a person's name being "the sweetest thing." People like hearing their name, and if their name is mispronounced all the time it is disheartening. This goes for coaches, not just student-athletes, as well.

Yes, there will be times when the P.A. announcer or broadcaster will slip up, but it is your job to get up from your seat and, kindly, remind them of the appropriate pronunciation. It will go along way with building the relationship between you, your coaches and student-athletes. Remember we are in the business for the student-athletes.

That's all for today folks. See ya next Friday.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Video of the Day: 15 FAMOUS FAILURES Before Success

15 Famous Failures Before Success

1. Oprah Winfrey
She was fired from her new anchor job because she "wasn't fit for television."

2 Michael Jordan
Cut from his high school basketball team because "he simply didn't have it."

3. Sylvester Stallone
"Life ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."

4. Walt Disney
Ironic, fired for not having an imagination and not having original ideas. 

5. Eminem

6. J.K. Rowling

7. Jack Ma

8. Lady Gaga

9. Steven Spielberg

10. Arnold Schwarzenegger

11. The Beatles
10,000 hours of playing in a club in Hamburg, Germany. Wonder where this little factoid came from, well check out Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers."

12. Elvis Presley

13. Lionel Messi

14. Albert Einstein
He was dyslexic.

15. Steve Jobs
... And then he was re-hired by that same company! 

There is a 16th famous failure that has been left off ... 

"He was the back-up to a winless high school football team as a freshman, he wasn't hand-picked for the starting job in college, and he was passed over 198 times by all 32 franchises in the 2000 NFL draft .... New England Patriots quarterback, five-time Super Bowl Champion, and four-time Super Bowl MVP, Tom Brady

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Video of the Day: PUSH Through The FEAR and JUST DO IT

3 Techniques to PUSH Through FEAR and JUST DO IT
Evan Carmichael

Have the big idea, but act small! When you're stuck on something, just start on it and things will begin to come together. Remember folks, #LittleDropsMakeBigDrops.

Rules to Apply

1. The No Money Rule
If you had to start it with no money, what would you?

2. Start Monday

3. Expect To Suck

Monday, November 26, 2018

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Video of the Day: Warren Buffett's Top 10 Rules For Success

Warren Buffett's Top 10 Rules For Success Vol. 3
Evan Carmichael

1. Love The Game
Enjoying the process and having a passion about being your boss. 

2. Understand Accounting

3. Delight Customers
Came to this realization this summer. The guys loved the weekly videos. Why? Because they saw themselves and their friends on a video.

4. Conquer Your Fears

5. Do Things Your Way

6. Stick To Your Area of Expertise

7. Read ... A Lot

8. Maintain A Good Reputation

9. Be The Person You Want To Be
Yeah I know a few of those people who take credit for things they didn't do - but I did for them. I strongly dislike those people. I'm not going to name names, but there are other people that know who these people are for me. 

10. Learn From Mistakes

Find Your Gift

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Video of the Day: #DudePerfect Airsoft Battle Royale

Battle No. 42: Airsoft Battle Royale

Cody was definitely the smart one ... the Twins on the other hand, eh, not so much. Coby, seriously, why would you think it would be a good idea to jump in boat, leaving yourself completely exposed to . anyone who is on the other side of the lake? And at least Cory acknowledges, when he was trying to hide from Tyler, that his balloons were exposed, but still pretty dumb. 

So yeah folks, Coby's battle wins remains at one! 

And kudos to Garrett, aka the Purple Hoser, for the aggressive play at the end, but couldn't escape Cody, the marksman. Cody really hit some good shots. Two beauties on Tyler, one coming up the stairs, the other, through the window from the building a cross the way, and then game-winner on Garrett from the bunker. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Video of the Day: 10 Reasons You Buy Stuff You Don't Need

10 Reasons You Buy Stuff You Don't Need
Bright Side

10. The Diderot Effect
Here's a simple trick that helps to avoid buying things you don't need - just ask yourself do I REALLY NEED this? 

9. The Snob Effect

8. The Bandwagon Effect
If I find myself wanting to buy something because "everyone else has it," I won't buy it. 

7. Items For The Future

6. Impulse Buying

5. Subliminal Retail Tricks
I knew I was always a genius wearing headphones when I shopped - yeah I know I may look anti-social, but that is saving me money apparently. 

4. Sales and Promotions

3. Cheap Goods

2. Persuasive Shop Assistants
Again the headphones while shopping help ward off these shop assistants. People won't approach you if you're wearing headphones. 

1. Your Fears

Thursday, November 22, 2018

BLOG: Who Killed Kennedy?

It's been 55 years since JFK was assassinated, but was Lee Harvey Oswald really a lone-wolf, nut who killed him with the sixth floor window of the book depository or was there something bigger at stake? Are you one of those people who believe in the single bullet theory or are you someone who thinks Oswald was set up by the government? Or something completely different? 

This video is slightly long, but on the anniversary it is completely appropriate. And any history buff out there will love it! Plus it brings me back to my Jan Term class sophomore year of college titled "Who Killed Kennedy?" 

Personally, I don't believe it in the single-bullet theory nor do I believe Oswald acted alone. There was another gunman on the Grassy Knoll. However, I will not go as far as to say I don't believe there was not a government conspiracy. (And for writing this I'm now on some type of list.)

Video of the Day: The Holiday Hustle

The Holiday Hustle

I'm not checking out these final two months of 2018. In fact I won the year of 2018! A lot of great things happened to me and I'm sure it's going to continue into 2019. But what I did do for these last two months of the calendar year is make a list of five people who I will be willing to do work for (actually the list became six people - the sixth person doesn't actually know who he is, but that is a mute point). 

Why have I chosen to do this? 

It is really simple. These five/six people have been the most loyal people to me in the working world and have always had my back, so I want to have their backs. I've already had to say no to someone who was "not on the list." This is going to be fun! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Video of the Day: 15 Jobs That Will Thrive Despite Artificial Intelligence

15 Jobs That Will Thrive In The Future (Despite A.I.)

1. Robot Manufacturer & Service Management

2. Raw Materials Management

3. Big Date & A.I. Scientists

4. Artificial Bodies Manufacturer

5. Esports
Can't wait until the NCAA sponsors Esports! It's going to be awesome!

6. Psychologist & Therapist

7. Gene Designer For Babies and Pets
Yup, we're that much closer to the life the movie Gattaca was based around. Scary stuff. 

8. Virtual World Designer

9. Cybersecurity & Private Data Brockerage

10. Entertainment

11. Real Estate Developer

12. Biochemistry & Tech Engineers

13. Private Services For The Rich

14. Elderly Care & End of Life Management
You know Christine was on to something. I think she needs to get back on this.

15. Small Jobs That Are Not Worth Automating - Yet


16. Anybody Who Is In The Top 10% Of Their Profession

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Video of the Day: Are We a Simulation?

Are We In A Simulation
Evan Carmichael

Leave it to Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson to be the people who give us the idea that reality and could all be a simulation and we are being controlled by some teenager (presumably playing Fortnite) in his mother's basement. Wow! Makes you wonder. 

What do you think? Is this a simulation?

Monday, November 19, 2018

Video of the Day: Five Habits That Will Change Your Life

Five Habits That Will Change Your Life
Charisma On Command

1. Doing The Scary Thing Socially

2. Defining Your Ideal Before You Get Realistic

3. Meditation

4. Cutting Out The Little White Lies

5. Stop Listening To Music That You Lack

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Video of the Day: Oprah Winfrey's Top 10 Rules For Success

Oprah Winfrey's Top 10 Rules For Success Vol. 5
Evan Carmichael

1. Knowing Who You Are

2. Be A Warrior Of The Light

3. Know Your Strengths

4. Earn Success

5. Have Good Intentions
Stay strong to your values. It's always better to do what is RIGHT than doing something just because someone's telling you to do it and you're really against it. 

6. Know Your Audience

7. Just Be Yourself

8. Align Yourself With Your Dream
If you haven't read the book "Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, then you have to read it. It teaches you how to "trust the process" and a sense of fun to boring menial work. (I'm looking at you millennials that don't think they are doing anything worth while.) Remember, Trust The Process. Trust the Process. 

9. Create A Meaningful Life

10. Have Fun


Put Out Positive Energy
There are times in your every day life when everything has you down and it's tough to find the positive, but those are the times we need to be positive the most. When everything is going wrong and Murphy's Law is in full effect, it's then that we need need to be the most positive. What's the worst that can happen? Things get worser? If they do, well you'll learn more.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Video of the Day: The Genius Brain

Your Brain vs. Genius Brain
The Infographics Show

That's right, geniuses focus on HOW to think not what to think. It why geniuses come up with new and creative innovations such as the product Genius (only people in athletic communications will understand this). But it's also why creative people tend to be misunderstood, where everyone else is seeing problems, these people are seeing solutions. They are solution-focused. How do we fix this? How can we make this better? 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Video of the Day: 15 Subjects You Should've Been Taught In School But Weren't

15 Subjects You Should've Been Taught In School But Weren't

1. How Money Works
I actually was taught this in school, but that's because I voluntarily took accounting in high school. 

2. Mental Health & Physical Health

3. Dating and Romantic Relationships
Yeah Tinder is definitely not the answer. Relationships are definitely not something that you just "swipe right."

4. Taxes & Bills
Yeah didn't learn this in school. I'm just fortunate to have a financially savy father. 

5. How To Make Friends and Be More Social
"Our net worth is directly correlated to our network." It's the reason why I wanted to finally read Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends and Influence People" and fair to say it actually worked. It's why I won the "Summer of 2018."

6. Debt, Interest and Mortgages
Nope, wrong again. I had a fairly good idea about good debt, bad debt, interest, mortgages and loans when I graduated high school, but scroll back up to number four for the explanation. 

7. How To Learn For Yourself
Yeah I kinda figured this out even before I graduated high school. How do you think I got through A.P. Calculus? I had my sister's old A.P. Calc work book and she took copious notes and had very neat handwriting. Put two and two together and you can figure out where I went if I didn't understand something. I now use YouTube.

8. How To Find Your Passion & Your Values

9. How To Find The Right Job and Prepare For An Interview

10. How To Speak In Public & Sell An Idea
Have to quote the great comedian Jerry Seinfeld here. Public speaking is the number one fear for the average American - number two is death. So that means that if you have to be at funeral, the average person would rather be IN the casket than giving the eulogy. Yeah, the priorities of the average person are WAY off base here. 

11. A Basic Understanding of Cooking, How To Take Care of Yourself and Home Maintenance

12. Digital and Personal Etiquette
Can we put down the cell phone for at least five minutes? Is it also really necessary to post those photos of yourself at party where alcohol is being served? Remember once those photos are online, they are available for EVERYBODY to see! And don't get me started on sending "those" photos. Seriously, if you have to do it, you have a problem and need to seek help. 

13. Sexual Education & Parenting

14. Human Rights, How The Government Works, and Why It's Important To Vote
Yet even some people in Washington don't understand ANY of these three concepts. I'm not naming any names, but I guess you can figure out who I'm referring to. 

15. Time Management & Discipline
Or some people don't want to learn. Remember folks like the late Randy Pausch once said "start managing your time like it was your money." 


16. How To Leverage Technology To Your Advantage

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Video of the Day: #ENTSPRESSO The BEST Way To Build a New HABIT

Gaur Gopal Das: The BEST Way To Build a New HABIT
Evan Carmichael

Important phrases from the video: Trigger Habits. 

What is a "Trigger Habit?" Watch the video to find out from Evan Carmichael. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Video of the Day: How To Be Happy

Why We're Wrong About Happiness
Charisma On Command

The Happiness Ladder

First Rung: Stuff

Second Rung: Experience
This can lead to social media/instagram syndrome! If you're going on a trip just to post on social media, you're on the trip for the wrong reason. 

Third Rung: Growth
Growth mindset, growth mindset, growth mindset. 

Fourth Rung: Connect With Other People

Fifth Rung: Mindset
Appreciate what you CURRENTLY have right now! 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Video of the Day: Bob Proctor's Top 10 Rules for Success

Bob Proctor's Top 10 Rules For Success
Evan Carmichael

1. Move Into Action
It's the start that stops most people. If you're unsure about where to begin, go with Nike's phrase: Just Do It! You may not know exactly what you want to do when you begin, but at least you have a base. Take for example GNAC record books, I really had no idea where I was going to start, but then I began setting up a template and doing minimal amount of research that it all came to me.  

2. Have A Strong Why
If you don't know why you do what you do, then you aren't having an effect on anyone. Find out your purpose and your why. 

3. Start With A Vision
A vision! Something that you can physically see! Yes that's why Apple is one of the top businesses in the world and same with Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg knew he what he wanted to do. He wanted to connect the whole Harvard community. Not only did he connect all of Harvard, but he connected the world!

4. Improve Your Self Image

5. Develop Awareness

6. Make Decisions
Making decisions is the hardest thing to do. Sometimes you make a great decisions, other times you make some not so great decisions, but at least you can learn from that bad decision.

7. Get Out Of The Box

8. Grow Yourself
"Everything that goes on on the inside, shows on the outside."

9. Surround Yourself With Greatness
Take a look at the five people you are with most often, and ask yourself, "if I have children would I want them to be like them?"

10. #Believe


"You don't change the color of the kitchen by painting the outside of the house"
If you want to know the meaning of this quote, well you're going to have to watch the video. 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Video of the Day: Grocery Store Stereotypes

Grocery Store Stereotypes





HUNGRY Shopper

CHATTY Checkout

PRODUCE Inspector

CART Probs


Mr. TOO MANY Items

The LOST Guy

The ONE TRIP Master

The Guy That FORGETS The Only Important Thing



CHEESE Confusion

The SAMPLE Thieves


FREEZER Freakout

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Video of the Day: 15 Lessons Rich Parents Teach Their Kids

15 Lessons Rich Parents Teach Their Kids That The Poor Don't

1. Understanding How Money Works

2. The Difference Between An Asset and A Liability
It's simple, an asset makes you money, while a liability costs you money. 

3. They're Not Entitled To Anything
Remember "growth mindset, growth mindset, growth mindset." 

4. How To Be Sociable and Connect with Other People

5. Stop Expecting Immediate Results and Avoid Magical Thinking
Basically stay away from social media and the immediate impact it has. 

6. How To Create Daily Habits That On The Long Run Give Them Incredible Advantages

7. Money Is A Tool and It's A Good Thing

8. Increase Income Instead of Lowering Expenses

9. Knowledge Is More Valuable Than Money In The Long Run
"Invest in yourself, it pays the best dividends." 

10.  Don't Work For Money, Have Money Work For You
This goes back to the first lesson and having an understanding of how money works. Money likes to work, so have it work for you to make more money. 

11. Solving Problems Is The Quickest Way To Get Rich
Be a problem solver. 

12. Not To Waste Time On Things That Don't Correlate To The Real World

13. How To Use Good Debt Instead of Bad Debt Like The Poor Do

14. 80% of Results Come From 20% of the Effort

15. Having Money Doesn't Make You A Better Person, It Just Solves Some of the Problems


16. To Raise Their Expectations

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Video of the Day: The Value of Great Friends

The Value of Great Friends

To find great friends, you have to BE a great friend first. When you become a great friend to some body else, you will start attracting other great friends. I like to say I have a few great friends out there. So remember folks, BE A GREAT FRIEND.