Sunday, September 1, 2019

Book of the Week: "Together is Better" by Simon Sinek

One of my all-time favorite speakers is Simon Sinek. It was actually after watching one of Sinek's TedTalk's on YouTube that really pushed me further into becoming more self-aware and looking deeper into an organizations business model. And yes I have read both of his other books "Start With Why" and "Leaders Eat Last", but the book I'm bringing to you this week is a bit different.

It is a quick read with a lot of pictures (this should entice more people to pick up a copy). All coaches and team leaders in any industry need to pick up a copy. More than willing to borrow mine, I request you do one small thing: write your name in the inside cover. If you do that, I will take a photo and post on my Instagram story.

If you've ever watched one of Simon Sinek's speaking engagements, you will find many of his quintessential one-liners in this book. One of my personal favorites is "leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge." I love this quote because it hits close to home and something I've always said to few of my student-athletes and student workers.

While we all want that big title and the big salary that comes along with it, it doesn't automatically mean that we become the leader. It doesn't matter what your title is, you can still be a leader. As I said to a softball student-athlete once "you don't need a title to be a leader." If you're a student-athlete and you're upset at not being named a captain (I'm looking at you Montgomery De La Cruz), then this is for you. Leadership is not a rank. As long as you're looking out for the person to left of you and the person to the right of you, you are a leader. Bosses and captains have the shiny title that looks great on resumes, but leaders have the people's respect.

Another part of the book is incredibly hard-hitting is a two-page spread that shows two boys staring up at a massive wall. It reminds me of the title of this blog "climbing the brick wall." You see these two boys, staring up at it and can only imagine what they are are thinking. Are they thinking about 'what's on the other side? Is it better and how can I get there to tell?'

The purpose of the image is simple. You have to take action. A dream is only a dream unless you do something about it. So starting climbing and take people with you. The more people you bring along with you, the better leader you become.

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