Friday, December 27, 2019

Book of the Week: 'The Infinite Game" by Simon Sinek

I mentioned earlier in the week there was too much good stuff from Simon Sinek's latest book to put in one post. The initial post highlighting the infinite game in business is very similar to the goal-oriented incremental model in policy making as well as mentioning how higher education is an infinite game.

Midway through the book Simon focused on the troublesome culture of the Castle Rock Police Department and how Jack Cauley revamped the department when he took over as chief. Not only did Chief Cauley turn around an officer who always felt as though he was being singled out for something, but by changing the culture he helped put CRPD in a better light with the public.

One of the examples was utilizing an unused bike track and a donation of free doughnut by a local shop to help the police department interact with the youth in an interpersonal environment. It reminded me what friend and former co-worker did with his central Florida police department.

Now, a detective with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Michael Bucciarelli, took a program he enjoyed as middle school student and brought it down to Florida. The goal of the program was simple to provide a safe and secure place for kids to go after school and "also a way to interact with law enforcement in a non-law enforcement setting." With a charismatic personality that everyone loves, I'm confident it wasn't hard for Michael to recruit students to the program. (See the full feature below.)

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